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تمت اضافة المنتج الي سلة المشتريات

Heydent Light Cure Cement Veneer 2g



a light-cure, single component, highly radiopaque luting material for cementing porcelain, composite and ceramic veneers and for cavity lining. HeyTEC Cem Veneer is BisGMA, Bis EMA and TEGDMA free and highly viscous.

HeyTEC Cem Veneer offers easy handling and excelent color stability for highly esthetic veneer cases

High viscosityVery comfortable handling
Light cure onlyexcellent color stability
Highly radiopaqueX-ray check possible
High filler contentHighly resistant
Excellent physical dataLong-lasting restorations and extremely low shrinkage
Does not contain Bis-GMAOptimised biocompatability

المنتجات المشابهة