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تمت اضافة المنتج الي سلة المشتريات

Dual Cure Universal Resin Cement -Heydebnt CemX



a dual-cure, highly radio-opaque, fluorescent and highly abrasion-resistant flowable self-adhesive resin cement for various types of indications such as all-ceramic, composite or metal inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges, posts, 3-unit inlay/onlay bridges, all-ceramic, 2 -or 3-unit maryland bridges and veneers plus HEYTEC CemX can also used for core build up.
HEYTEC CemX is the latest generation of self-adhesive resin cements

One material for three indicationsOptimal "interface" between pin-cement-dentin-crown
High viscosityVery comfortable handling
Automix cartridgeDirect and ergonomic application/no mixing necessary
Highly radiopaqueX-ray check possible
High filler contentHighly abrasion resistant
Excellent physical dataLong-lasting restorations and extremely low shrinkage
Dual-cureCuring can be accelerated with a polymerisation light
Does not contain Bis-GMAOptimised biocompatability

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